After an extended pandemic related hiatus, we’re delighted to announce the return of the library’s Tuesday Teas series and for the opportunity to hear faculty reflect on the story of research, writing and publishing behind their most recent book.
The Tuesday Teas series organized by the library and the Dean of the Faculty’s Office aims to create an opportunity to engage in cross-departmental conversations about research, writing and publishing (in other words: find out the story behind a book). The Spring 2024 series brings together faculty who conducted research using a wide range of primary sources (photographs, survey data, newspapers, archival materials, oral histories) and who engaged in very different research methodologies, including visual ethnography, data analysis, ethnomusicology and historiography.
Each talk stands alone, but taken together they provide an interesting complementary perspective on the process of scholarly research and publishing.
April 2
Matthew Tokeshi [Political Science]
Campaigning While Black. Black Candidates, White Majorities, and the Quest for Political Office. Columbia University Press, 2023
April 9
Brahim El Guabli [Arabic Studies]
Moroccan Other-Archives. History and Citizenship after State Violence.Fordham University Press, 2023.
April 16
Olga Shevchenko [Anthropology & Sociology]
In Visible Presence. Soviet Afterlives in Family Photos. MIT Press, 2023.
April 30
Elizabeth Elmi [Music]
Singing Lyric in the Kingdom of Naples . Schott Campus, 2023
Tuesday Teas takes place in Sawyer Library, Stetson Reading Room. 4PM.